Let's Paint - Skeletons (RPG Miniature Painting)
The Beginning of the Obsession In the spring of 2017 I finally got into Dungeons & Dragons. I had been dying to play since I had been in middle school but never had the opportunity. So when it finally happened I became obsessed. Our group didn't have any minis and I suddenly took it upon myself to become the miniature master. I scoured my childhood toys for appropriate minis, bought cheap figures online, and eventually started shelling out way more money than I should have to build up a collection. A year later I received the Reaper Bones Learn to Paint Kit as a present. I was excited to finally put some color on these minis or maybe touch up some of the bad paint jobs that already existed. But for some reason I hesitated. Learning to Paint - The Skeleton Archer A month or so ago I finally broke that seal. After making my first pieces of miniature scatter terrain I decided it was time to learn to paint. So I broke open t...