Let's Paint - Mercenaries (RPG Mini Painting)
Mage Knight Last week I gave a bit of a look into converting Mage Knight minis for other RPG use. For a more in depth look check out how I turned a Mending Priestess into an Ice Witch . If you didn't see last week's post, Mage Knight's are wonderfully cheap minis that can be pretty okay if you give them some love. You have to cut them off their clunky bases and attach them to something nicer. I tend to use my tried and true method of baking soda and super glue with a few aquarium stones thrown in for variety. When you've done that you're left with something a bit more workable. Underpainting So for these guys as well as the Ice Witch, I tried a new method of painting. With underpainting, the idea is to add shadow and highlight in monochrome where it's easier to see. Then you go in with thin layers of color to add over your underpainting. This is similar to the idea behind Zenithal priming but can be achieved with brushes instead ...