
Showing posts from January, 2019

Let's Paint - The Earth Elemental (RPG Mini Painting)

Last time I posted I finished the Reaper Bones Learn to Paint Kit by finishing the knight, Mangu Timur .  I recently received the second kit, Layer Up , but I wanted to wait until I finished all of the minis before posting about that.  In the meantime, let's look at this Earth Elemental from the Temple of Elemental Evil Board Game . I actually quite like this guy.  He was technically the first miniature I painted without any color guide.  Not that his coloration is very difficult.  I did want to try to bring out a bit of warmth in him and mixed some tans into the grays.  He also was treated to a brown wash.  I really like how the wash sunk into the recesses and really gave this guy some depth. I had given the base the same baking powder and super glue treatment I used on the skeletons and knight, but I still felt like it was lacking something so I added some stones.  The stones are actually ornamental glass that you can find in the g...

Let's Paint - Knight (RPG Miniature Painting)

Finishing the Kit - Knight The last two posts I followed through the Reaper Bones Learn to Paint Kit  and painted up some skeletons  and some orcs.  This time I'll finish the paint kit by tackling this knight. To be completely honest I'm not sure what he is.  He might just be a knight, but he could also make a great paladin.  His official name doesn't help solve anything either as it's listed as Mangu Timur, both unhelpful and unpronounceable.  Either way, the sculpt is pretty cool and it's helped me stave off my fear of painting realistic flesh tones a little longer. I tried something a bit new with this guy and I decided to rebase him.  I cut him from his plastic base and glued him to a 1 inch reaper base that I had purchased.  I textured the base with baking powder and super glue like I did with the Ravenloft Skeletons . Like before, I followed the guide to a degree, but often just followed my gut.  I played around with the yellow m...

Let's Paint - Orcs (RPG Miniature Painting)

The Painting Adventure Continues  - Orc Marauder Welcome back.  Last time I started my painting adventure by tapping in to the Reaper Bones Learn to Paint Kit and painting up some Skeletons . The second mini in the kit is and Orc Marauder.  There's a lot more happening on this mini than the skeleton.  There's fur, leather, chainmail, spikes, and more details in general. I followed the guide mostly, but like the skeleton, I took some liberties.  Apparently I just can't follow instructions. Learning from the skeleton, I used brown for the orc base, and later drybrushed green for a grass effect.  I also kept the green of the orc skin muted, using mixes of green and tan to keep it from looking so cartoonish. A word on skin tone.  I have some regrets on diving into the stereotypical green orc.  Namely, I like green goblins.  I would have liked a more dramatic differentiation between orcs and goblins but I like things to look unified and ...