Let's Paint - The Earth Elemental (RPG Mini Painting)
Last time I posted I finished the Reaper Bones Learn to Paint Kit by finishing the knight, Mangu Timur . I recently received the second kit, Layer Up , but I wanted to wait until I finished all of the minis before posting about that. In the meantime, let's look at this Earth Elemental from the Temple of Elemental Evil Board Game . I actually quite like this guy. He was technically the first miniature I painted without any color guide. Not that his coloration is very difficult. I did want to try to bring out a bit of warmth in him and mixed some tans into the grays. He also was treated to a brown wash. I really like how the wash sunk into the recesses and really gave this guy some depth. I had given the base the same baking powder and super glue treatment I used on the skeletons and knight, but I still felt like it was lacking something so I added some stones. The stones are actually ornamental glass that you can find in the g...