Let's Paint - Yetis and Winter Wolf (RPG Mini Painting)

Winter Monsters

Sorry for the hiatus.  My life has been quite busy lately and as a result, I haven't gotten the chance to paint or craft lately.  Additionally, my games have been repeatedly delayed.  Back at the end of February I promised some winter monsters.  But my party took a turn in their adventure and delayed their confrontation with Shiver the Ice Hag and her chilling minions.  Not wanting to ruin their reveal I waited.  But no more!

This past Monday the party finally confronted Shiver, who was waiting for them to trade over a powerful magical item in exchange for the return of their companion.  When the party decided that she would be too dangerous with the artifact she summoned three yetis and nearly wiped the party.

Although only a handful of them saw game time, I painted up several minis for this session, all of which came from the Chill Out pack of Reaper Bones 3 Kickstarter Core set.  Let's take a look.

The Yetis

I sat down with five minis during this painting session, 4 yetis and a winter wolf.  I based them all the same way, with a thin layer of white craft paint.

Using my same undercoating method that I have used in the past few posts, I washed the yeti with a grayish blue color.

Following this I was able to layer up the yeti with several dry brushings of increasingly brighter whites.

These guys took a few tries to get right as the washes tended to stain the raised white portions.  I eventually added another thin coat of the blue to the hands and face and then moved on to the details.

For all of them, I painted the tongue with a dark red and filled in the eyes with a single bead of glowing red to really stand out against the monochrome paint scheme.  I detailed the teeth and claws with a bone white.

For the Chieftain and the Shaman Yeti, I used a matching palette of tans and bone whites to make a leather, wood and bone theme.

Unfortunately, the Shaman mini never saw the spotlight.  Perhaps he will return someday.

I chose the blue and white theme to keep the looking cold and fitting their environment.  I also felt the sculpts were reminiscent of the Bumble from the classic Rudolph animation and wanted to make my minis match.

I kept the bases simple as I felt they were large enough to hold up the minis and didn't justify rebasing.  I gave them my standard white base coat, light blue wash, and pure white dry brush to help them kind of stand out from the monsters while still matching my other snowy bases.

Winter Wolf

For the Winter Wolf, I wanted to make sure it looked different from the Yeti.  To make this separation I undercoated it with a grey wash, and tried to keep its colors more neutral.

I followed similar steps as the Yeti as I painted them simultaneously.  I really like the extra detail of the frosty glowing eyes.  I really wanted to give the impression that the wolf was magical and powerful and I think that simple touch went a long way for making it unique.

I am also happy with how much the grey color scheme stands out from the bluer base and the other Yeti figures.

My whole winter crew look pretty great together.  Kind of want to whip up some wintery scatter to accompany them.  If you liked the Trees I made last time and you'd like to see more Dollar Store Dungeon terrain let me know in the comments.

You can see how I painted up the Wizard from the Learn to Paint: Layer Up kit HERE.

And you can see how I converted a Mage Knight Mending Priestess into an Ice Witch HERE.

Minis Used:

Reaper Bones 77433: Yeti Shaman
Reaper Bones 77434: Yeti Chieftain
Reaper Bones 77435: Yeti Warrior
Reaper Bones 77436: Yeti Shredder
Reaper Bones 77437: Winter Wolf


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