
Let's Paint - Snakes! (RPG Mini Painting)

Snakes... Why did it have to be snakes? With my own D&D party adventuring into dangerous swamp territory, I was desperately in need of some slippery creatures to pit them against.  The vision of them entering the ruins of a city sunken deep into a mud pit just wasn't complete without snakes.  I sorted through my boxes of minis and found some medium sized snakes from the Wrath of Ashardalon board game, as well as a large cobra from Reaper Bones.  But that didn't quite fit my swarms of serpents image.  I needed more.  I needed... well, swarms! DIY Snake Swarms I had recently purchased some green stuff to help blend bases and fill gaps on minis, but i was feeling inspired and decided it couldn't be that  hard to make some snake swarms. I started by kneading a small amount of green stuff and then rolling it out into long strands, like a kid making snakes with play-doh.  From here I simply coiled them around one another and stuck the...

Let's Paint - Yetis and Winter Wolf (RPG Mini Painting)

Winter Monsters Sorry for the hiatus.  My life has been quite busy lately and as a result, I haven't gotten the chance to paint or craft lately.  Additionally, my games have been repeatedly delayed.  Back at the end of February I promised some winter monsters.  But my party took a turn in their adventure and delayed their confrontation with Shiver the Ice Hag and her chilling minions.  Not wanting to ruin their reveal I waited.  But no more! This past Monday the party finally confronted Shiver, who was waiting for them to trade over a powerful magical item in exchange for the return of their companion.  When the party decided that she would be too dangerous with the artifact she summoned three yetis and nearly wiped the party. Although only a handful of them saw game time, I painted up several minis for this session, all of which came from the Chill Out pack of Reaper Bones 3 Kickstarter Core set .  Let's take a look. The Yetis ...

Dollar Store Dungeons - Trees (RPG Miniature Terrain Building)

Let's Build Trees So I've been interested in terrain building since I first got hooked on D&D nearly two years ago.  I've been an avid fan of YouTube crafters such as The DMs Craft , Black Magic Craft , and Wyloch's Armory for awhile.  But I haven't delved too heavy into crafting until more recently.  While I have several projects in various states of completion, I figured I'd kick this series off with one of the most useful terrain pieces: Trees. There are plenty of guides out there for crafting miniature trees and I've definitely been influenced by many of them, but I've taken my own spin on it with my own requirements.  Namely, I wanted to keep costs down and steps simple to make it easy and affordable to repeat.  Let's get crafting. What You'll Need Toilet Paper Rolls Textured Paper Towels Green Scrubbing Sponges Cardstock Scraps Hot Glue Gun and Glue Scissors PVA Glue Baking Soda Mod Podge Black Craft ...

Let's Paint - Half-Orc Fighter (RPG Mini Painting)

Freek - The Mad Merc Last Fall I started running a regular D&D game for my partner and some of our friends.  Fast forward several months and my partner has also caught the D&D bug.  They started running their own games a couple months ago and of course I'm a player in one. Meet Freek: the Half-Orc Fighter. This is the first PC I've ever painted and I'm pretty happy with how he turned out.  He's dramatic and eye catching and I think he fits the idea I had of my character pretty well. I added some small stones on the edge of his base to help blend it into the sculpted terrain and used my usual combo of baking soda and super glue to fill the gaps. I primed him in grey and undercoated him with shades of grey. The paint job was pretty simple.  I decided to make his armor a deep red to contrast with his pale green skin and to also evoke a sort of samurai look.  I think I did a pretty good job with the highlights on his skin especially....

Let's Paint - Mercenaries (RPG Mini Painting)

Mage Knight Last week I gave a bit of a look into converting Mage Knight minis for other RPG use.  For a more in depth look check out how I turned a Mending Priestess into an Ice Witch . If you didn't see last week's post, Mage Knight's are wonderfully cheap minis that can be pretty okay if you give them some love. You have to cut them off their clunky bases and attach them to something nicer.  I tend to use my tried and true method of baking soda and super glue with a few aquarium stones thrown in for variety.  When you've done that you're left with something a bit more workable. Underpainting So for these guys as well as the Ice Witch, I tried a new method of painting.  With underpainting, the idea is to add shadow and highlight in monochrome where it's easier to see.  Then you go in with thin layers of color to add over your underpainting.  This is similar to the idea behind Zenithal priming but can be achieved with brushes instead ...